A scholarship fund for the descendants of Solomon and Elizabeth Gable has been established with funds derived from the estate of the late Grace M. Gable who died in New York City on her 97th birthday in 2007. Grace Gable was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gable, and the longest surviving descendant of that branch of the Gable family, which is now extinct. She had a career as an Army nurse.
The persons eligible for scholarships will be any blood or legally adopted descendants of Solomon and Elizabeth. The scholarship awardee(s) will be able to use awards to pay for post-high school college or university tuition, or for nurse's training. Priority will be given to applicants entering their second year of college, but any one interested should apply. This is especially true because the number of applicants is bound to be small some years.
If you are a Solomon and Elizabeth Gable Family descendant who will be attending a post High School educational institution, you are encouraged to apply for the Solomon & Elizabeth Gable scholarship. Please print and fill out the following application to apply. Applications are due by July 12, 2020.
Click here for an Adobe PDF Scholarship Application
Click here for a Microsoft Word Scholarship Application